NIQUA®‘s Maillefer/N&N jewellery burs and beading tools are being
withdrawn from the market.
Maillefer/N&N will be replaced by the SUPER Q® brand.
Please note that this change ONLY affects the brand name and packaging.
23 SUPER Q® tool steel
23 SUPER Q® tool steelTool steel milling cutter 23 round for machining soft precious metals and allo..
24 SUPER Q® Inverted Taper Tool Steel Mills
24 SUPER Q® Inverted Taper Tool Steel MillsTool steel milling cutter 24 inverted taper for machining..
25 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter wheel
25 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter wheelTool steel milling cutter 25 wheel for machining soft pre..
26 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter flat cylinder
26 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter flat cylinderTool steel milling cutter 26 cylinder flat for m..
28 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter, round cylinder
28 SUPER Q®tool steel milling cutter, round cylinderTool steel milling cutter 28 cylinders round for..
29 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter Z. helicoidal
29 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter Z. helicoidalTool steel milling cutter 29 helicoidal for machi..
30 SUPER Q® tool steel cutter, conical, flat
30 SUPER Q® tool steel cutter, conical, flatTool steel milling cutter 30 conical flat for machining ..
31 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter conical helicoidal
31 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter conical helicoidalTool steel milling cutter 31 helicoidal for ..
34 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter flat cylinder
34 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter flat cylinderTool steel milling cutter 34 cylinder flat for m..
36 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter, round cylinder
36 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter, round cylinderTool steel milling cutter 36 cylinders round f..
38 SUPER Q® tool steel cutter, conical, flat
38 SUPER Q® tool steel cutter, conical, flatTool steel milling cutter 38 conical flat for machining..
81 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter flame
81 SUPER Q® tool steel milling cutter flameTool steel cutter 81 flame for processing soft precious ..
123 SUPER Q® carbide burrs round
123 SUPER Q® carbide burrs roundThe carbide cutter 123 round for the jewelery sector is particularly..
124 SUPER Q® carbide burrs, taper reversed
124 SUPER Q® carbide burrs, taper reversedThe reversed tapered carbide cutter 124 for the jewelery s..
128 SUPER Q® carbide burr cylinder
128 SUPER Q® carbide burr cylinderThe hard metal cutter 128 cylinder rounded for the jewelery sector..